29 October 2008

so, this is how it is huh?

I still don't understand why I can never sleep at night. I take sleeping pills to fall asleep, then end up sleeping all day the next day, and can't sleep that night. UGH. It's so irritating. But I'll get it worked out soon. I hope so anyway.
Zane was suppose to be leaving for the ship when he leaves for work today, but thank God they changed that plan. He's not going. I know he wanted to go, but I really didn't want to be stuck here all alone. Haha, pathetic right? Two days alone. But seriously, two days with NO ONE to talk to? I would have gone crazy.
Amanda gets here Friday! WOOHOO!! I am SO excited! I think Scott is coming with her, but I'm not sure. Doesn't matter either way actually. I'm just excited to go see them. I'm so bored lately, those kids will help. :] They're crazy. And I love Amanda! We're gonna have a blast together. Well whenever we have time to spend together. She works a lot, so I'm guessing I'm going to rely on the kids to keep me occupied.
I have been looking into Creative Writing Prompts cause I've really been in a writing mood lately. Some of them seem really fun, so I'm excited to get back into that. I use to love writing, but ever since I graduated, I don't write anymore. So I'm looking forward to seeing what I can come up with. :] Yeah I'm a nerd. What kind of person gives themselves homework assignments?

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