26 October 2008

So, I've been thinking.

I know that when I last posted I was very depressed. I'm kinda working my way out of that. Things are looking up for me. I mean I am still sad. I still REALLY want a baby. And I still am not sure I'll ever have one. But I've come to realize over the last few days how much I have in my life to be happy about. I am so lucky to have Zane. I love him with my whole heart and even more. I don't even know if he knows how much I love him. But it's not even just him. My life is pretty good. But over all, I am SO happy with Zane. I know that if we are meant to have babies, we will. And we've already been talking about adopting, even before this whole Ectopic Pregnancy. We've been talking about adopting ever since we've been talking about kids. So either way I know we'll have kids. I'd MUCH rather have them myself, but, if need be, I'll be fine with adopting. I just wanted to write a blog counteracting all my sadness in the last one. I'll be back later to write more. :]

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